Young Staffordshire performers are at serious risk of catching the theatre bug at Stafford Gatehouse Youth Theatre
Stafford Gatehouse Youth Theatre [SGYT] is a unique, fun, imaginative and successful youth theatre, which has been established for over 25 years. During this time it has seen thousands of 7 to 18 year olds participate in, and benefit from, weekly workshops in drama, aiding the children’s performance skills as well as increase their confidence and self expression.
The youth theatre is organised into eight age groups, led by trained tutors who meet weekly during school term times at Stafford Gatehouse Theatre.
SGYT aims to challenge young people to develop confidence, creativity and consideration for others, in the context of a professional theatre. The SGYT is very lucky to be based in a professional theatre and an important aspect of its work is the teaching and learning of theatre skills, aiming for professional standards.
To download a SGYT brochure click here.
Further information can be obtained by calling Stafford Gatehouse Theatre on 01785 619080 or by visiting the dedicated youth theatre section on www.staffordgatehousetheatre.co.uk.
Main Image – Whistle Down The Wind taken by Stafford Photographer Sam Carpenter[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
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