Young Staffordshire performers are being invited to attend open audtions for the opportunity to star in Stafford Gatehouse Theatre’s Summer School production of Into The Woods for young people aged between 7 and 21 with auditions set to take place in March 2020
For your chance to shine and be part of the show simply join them for auditions on Sunday 29 March 2020. To audition you must be between 7 and 21 years old, live in or attend a school in Staffordshire and be available for all rehearsals and performances during the entire production period, which is is 27th July to 15th August 2020.
Experience isn’t necessary; just lots of enthusiasm and a love for performing. Summer School is an opportunity to develop acting, dancing and singing skills, whilst building confidence and making friends.
How to Audition
Auditions for this year’s Summer School will be held on Sunday 29th March. There is no fee to audition, but if successful, summer school fees will apply to participate in the programme. Audition applications are now open – please reserve a place by booking online on the Gatehouse website:
7 – 12 years here
13 – 21 years here
Good luck
For more information about the production, and the auditions, please visit the Stafford Gatehouse Theatre Summer School page.
The annual Stafford Gatehouse Summer Youth Theatre production is always very popular, and ecent productions have included: Joseph and His MAzing Technicolour Dreamcoat, The Wizard of Oz, Doctor Dolittle, Whistle Down the Wind and Peter Pan. (picture is from last years successful summer school production of The Adams Family)
In addition to rehearsing the show, the young people involved will take part in workshops covering singing, dance and actting. Up to 150 children are expectd to be battling it out for one of the highly sought after spaces.
Main Image – The Adams Family 2019[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]