An intriguing new theatre project from a Staffordshire arts company has been revealed, which will see work commencing to devise a brand piece of new theatre for families with young children which will combine live performance with cutting edge video game design techniques.
North Staffordshire based B Arts has secured Arts Council funding to begin developing the project called ‘PLAY’, and have announced that they are now on the lookout for up to five theatre makers and musicians to get involved in the initial development workshops during November 2016.
Interested in developing a new form of FAMILY THEATRE in Staffordshire combining live performance with video game design?
The project PLAY will then see performers, musicians and directors collaborate with games designers from the Games Design course at Staffordshire University.
Together they’ll explore how ideas from video games can make theatre for families more engaging, personal and interactive.
Following the development session in November 2016, theatre artists and games designers will then team up to create ideas for new ways of combining theatre and video games. There will be a public event sharing these ideas and the learning from the project in February 2017.
B Arts plan to use the research as the basis for a new piece of theatre later in 2017.
If you want to be involved then they have places for five theatre practitioners / musicians to participate during November. Contact isla.telford@b-arts.org.uk for full details before Tuesday 1 November 2016
[bctt tweet=”Staffordshire @_barts is to develop new theatre experience with @StaffsGamesTech https://www.staffordshiretheatre.com/b-arts-and-staffordshire-university-video-game-designers-to-develop-a-new-interactive-theatre-performance/” via=”no”]
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B Arts are a group of artists and producers based in North Staffordshire. Since 1985 they have worked with communities in Stoke-on-Trent and Newcastle-under-Lyme, the wider West Midlands and with partners across the world.
Their work takes place in ordinary settings, such as parks, city streets, village halls, as opposed to traditional arts and performance venues. Their work fuses art-forms such as theatre, film, digital media, live music and carnival arts.
They frequently develop work with marginalised communities which has included jobless young people, asylum seekers and refugees, gypsy and travellers.
B Arts projects are excitingly varied, and include Hush Hush Cinema – a series of ‘themed theatrical cinema events which take place in ‘secret locations’, Bread in Common – a community bakery initiative, and they lead the Artcity initiative which focuses on using redundant buildings and spaces in Stoke as temporary sites for arts activities.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner offset=”vc_col-lg-6 vc_col-md-12″][vc_column_text]
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